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 Elevate Her Doula

     Empowering Women through natural birth

                                 My Mission

To empower women through God's design of birth. Every birth is beautiful, natural and unique. I endeavor to come alongside women through their labor, birth and postpartum and provide individualized support during their unique journey. Elevate Her Doula strives to provide support and care for the whole woman; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically as well as support the family as a whole.


My Story

Why Doula? Well I have always been a genuine baby addict! I've had the love for children and babies since I can remember. Growing up in the faith also instilled in me the genuine love and care for others and a servant's heart. 

I was in the foster system as a toddler. By God's grace I was adopted into a wonderful family. I grew up with 9 siblings and on a small farm. We raised and butchered our own meat, grew our own gardens and canned/preserved the foods we grew. I learned many things about the natural world and how beneficial it is to our health and well being. 

For many years I have heard the term Doula but I had little knowledge of what it really entailed. More recently, a dear friend of mine began a Doula course and began telling me all about it. She utilized me in one of her training days as a hands-on volunteer for some of the techniques she was learning. It peaked my interest and I again began my research. I found that I truly believe this field to be very much something I would truly love and find purpose in. 

In January of 2022, I had the privilege of attending my daughters's second birth and my first ever birth. And I was blown away by how amazing and miraculous the experience was. Then in January 2023, I attended my best friend's birth. It was a whirlwind as it was her 6th child. I was given the opportunity to catch the baby. The feelings I felt in those moments, I can't even put into words! The adrenaline, the emotions of joy, awe, love, empowerment, respect and peace were overwhelming! 

This is it! This is my niche! 


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